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  • Ruff Tough Kennel Review

    April 27, 2016 2 min read


    It's tough, pun intended, to find anything wrong with my Ruff Tough kennel. It's incredibly lightweight for how durable it has turned out to be. The option to have the door open on either side seems like a small thing at first but is very useful and makes it easy to load the dog no matter where I end up with car parked or which side of my vehicle I load the crate into. One tip: With this style door, always make sure the pins properly seat back in place when you close the door, if they don't and you open it from the other side, the door will pop right off. It's simple to pop it back in place but something to keep in mind.

    Ruff Tough offers a wide range of size options and door configurations. A common mistake people make when buying a kennel is choosing a size that is too big for the dog. Your dog should be able to sit up, turn around, lay down and generally "et comfortable? without having a lot of extra space. Dogs are less likely to soil in a kennel that's appropriately sized so the reality is that you are better off having one size when the dog is a puppy and another for when they've finished growing. Common sense will tell you when it's time to move them to the larger kennel. Your dog will also feel more secure without all that extra space and if you use your kennel for car travel, your dog will be safer was well, without a lot of room to rattle around.


    There are plenty of accessories for the Ruff Tough line, everything from tie-down kits, to door covers. My personal favorite is the gearbox. I load it with essentials such as large first aid kit, extra shells, extra gloves, extra water bottles, tick spray or whatever dog essentials I need for the current season. It's simple and great for keeping things organized, wherever the kennel goes so do those necessary items.

    I'm guessing I'll never have to replace this kennel but I am certain that when the time comes to add another to my program, it'll be another Ruff Tough.


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