For use on clothing, tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear, Sawyer Permethrin is more than just an insect repellent — it actually kills ticks, mosquitoes, spiders,...
For use on clothing, tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear, Sawyer Permethrin is more than just an insect repellent — it actually kills ticks, mosquitoes, spiders, chiggers, mites, and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Permethrin is also effective against the Yellow Fever Mosquito, which can transmit the Zika Virus.
Providing a fantastic odorless barrier of protection, a single application of Permethrin lasts for 6 weeks or 6 washings. Using it on outdoor gear also helps reduce the mosquito population in your camp and prevents ticks from attaching to you.
When applied to clothing, the Permethrin bonds with the fabric fibers for up to 6 weeks or 6 washes. When an insect (including ticks and mosquitos) comes in contact with the treated clothing. The insect absorbs a dose of Permethrin that either kills or repels that insect.
Garmin has released new software updates for the Alpha 300/300i, Alpha 200/200i, and PRO 550 Plus handhelds. These updates include bug fixes, performance improvements, and enhanced Alpha App integration. Stay updated by connecting your device to Garmin Express or checking settings.
The Garmin DriveTrack 71 has been discontinued, marking the end of an era for in-vehicle dog tracking. Explore its impact, why Garmin shifted to the rugged Tread series, and how the new Alpha XL offers a standalone solution for hunters and trainers.
Skunks are on the move, increasing the risk of your dog getting sprayed! Before reaching for the old tomato juice remedy (spoiler: it doesn’t work), check out these powerful de-skunking products designed to eliminate odor fast and keep your pup smelling fresh.